Divorce Consulting- Individuals
Divorce can be overwhelming, lonely, and stressful. Get the emotional support and professional guidance you need to get organized, feel confident, and be empowered even if you are pro se!
Contested divorces often cost upwards of $100K. And although many people may consider divorce consulting an additional financial burden, a qualified expert like myself can actually transform this process providing you with the emotional and strategic support needed without adding to your lawyer’s workload. Many attorneys do not properly understand personality disorders. Who can blame them? It isn’t their job, but when dealing with high conflict cases, they find themselves in a counseling role that hinders their ability to represent you without distraction.
My goal is to provide the support you need during your divorce and give you the tools to make the right decisions at the right time with regard to the emotional aspects of a high conflict situation. I don’t give legal advice, and I can’t replace your lawyer. Instead, I help you keep calm and teach you how to communicate and organize your documentation so that every meeting with your lawyer and every court date can be met with a level head and strong resolve.
If you are an attorney, go here to learn how I can I support you in your work with clients.
Here are some of the topics we can address:
Helping you feel safe when leaving a high-conflict personality.
Giving you tools to hire the right attorney and effectively communicate with them.
Relieving your fears about parental alienation claims with steps to safeguard yourself
Giving you back your peace of mind when anxiety, fear, and insecurity threatens it
Helping you feel organized when documenting information for your attorney
Replacing fears of court with a strategic mindset to manage family court expectations and what the court cares about.
Freedom from reactionary communication and the ability to de-coding narcissistic language to communicatie non-emotionally and effectively with your ex
Divorcing someone you think is a narcissist is not easy - you need to be battle-ready!
How To Work With Me
Discovery Call
We will have an initial meeting where I will learn about your case, your needs, and what you hope to gain from working with me. I will outline my retainer fees and suggested resources.
After the retainer is received, we will determine best ways to communicate and frequency of meetings. When we meet, we will discuss upcoming court dates or meetings and what I can do to support. Additionally, I am available to help with communication between meetings as well.
You will be part of a larger online community if you choose where you can help others and receive more information from me on life after your divorce when co-parenting with a high conflict personality.
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